
The Move-in schedule is found in Section Move-In & Move Out. It gives a rough estimate of move-in times and is based on booth location.

Specific Move-in schedules are provided two weeks before the show begins.

The Marshalling Yard is considered the North Parking area of the Toronto Congress Centre located at the northeast corner of the North Building. It is accessed from the Martin Grove entrance. All transport companies, couriers, and company/personal tractor trailers/5-ton vans/cube vans must report to the Marshalling Yard at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled move-in time. Vehicle Marshall attendants will be onsite to provide direction and assistance.

Company/Personal Vehicles must also follow assigned move-in times. Parking attendants will be onsite to give directions. All materials, regardless of size, must be transported through the loading docks and overhead door #38.

Three Shipping Options
Exhibitors are responsible for shipping their booth materials and product to either Lange Advance Warehouse or directly to the Show using the following options.

Option 1: Using Lange

Lange is the official transportation and shipping provider for Grocery Innovations Canada.

One option available to ship materials, products, and produce to the show is to use Lange.

For an estimate, please compete the  Lange Transportation Order Form.

Completed forms or any questions may be directed to Karen Ramirez

Option 2: Using a Delivery Service / Company Carrier

Exhibitors may use any shipping company to deliver materials and goods to the Toronto Congress Centre for the GIC Show.

Please ensure that your shipment is delivered within your move-in time. Once shipment has been accepted, Lange will deliver your shipment to your booth.

For move-in dates and general times, please see Section 4: Move-in & Move-out.

Exhibitor specific move-in times will be given emailed by Lange two weeks before the show.

Complete the  Advance Warehouse Order Form, if you need to store your shipment before your scheduled move-in time.

Print the  Shipping Label and attach it to your shipment if you are using the Advance Warehouse Order Form.

Complete the  After Show Warehouse Order Form if you need to store your shipment after the show closes.


  • This does not include material handling for your cold storage goods.
  • Material requiring a forklift with a load greater than 4000 pounds may be subject to a surcharge by Lange.
  • Toronto Congress Centre – North Building can be accessed using the Martin Grove Road entrance. Vehicles need to report to the Marshalling Yard located at the Northeast corner of the North Building.

Option 3: Personal / Hand Carry Materials

If Exhibitors do not require a loading dock, products may be carried to the booth during or after your specific move-in time. Exhibitors are NOT permitted to arrive before their designated move-in time. Carry-in access is through the large overhead door #38. It is located at the main loading docks.

 Flat deck dollies are available by Lange near the loading docks and can be signed out for use.

Refer to Section Move-in & Move-out for move-in dates and general times.

Specific move-in times will be provided by Lange two weeks before the show.



ConsultExpo Inc., has been selected as official Customs Broker for the GIC and will be pleased to assist with the customs clearance of your display material. ConsultExpo offers round-trip simple and user-friendly customs and shipping assistance. Please complete the ConsultExpo Order Form and Canada Customs Invoice prior to sending your materials to Canada and return to the undersigned Heather James For your convenience, you may download their forms from or go to our web link and submit customs form information online: note if shipping via courier you will still require customs clearance services. For personalized assistance please feel free to contact:

Heather James, Operations Manager | | |
514-482-8886 x 3 | M: 416-561-7779 | F: 888-629-9008

 ConsultExpo Customs Form

Other Lange Order Forms

Please return all forms directly to Karen Ramirez – .


Left on Show Floor Form

If materials are accidentally left on the show floor, please complete this form. Please note this does not guarantee that Lange picked up and stored your materials and products. Packing and securing items are the Exhibitor’s responsibility and CFIG, Lange, the TCC and any TCC affiliated suppliers are not to be held responsible for any missing items, products, and materials.

Move-in Requirements Questionnaire
ALL Exhibitors must complete this form. This allows Lange to know all Exhibitor move-in needs.

Security Cage Order Form
Allows Exhibitors to keep their show items, materials, and product secure before the show and during the show. After the show ends,

If you need more time to tear down and pack up your booth, the security cage can help keep your items secure over night. The security cage comes with wheels and a lock.

Special Forklift Service Order Form
Forklifts can be ordered from Lange to move larger crates and boxes around your booth.

Contact Us

To Exhibit

Rolster Taylor, VP Sales

Tyson Smith, Account Representative

Cindy Suh, Trade operations coordinator


Suzanne Regimbal, Account Manager

Irmeli Koskinen, Coordinator


Laura Collaton, SVP & COO


Nancy Kwon, VP Marketing, Communications

Diana Stevenson, Director, Conference, Events

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All Rights Reserved ® Grocery Innovations Canada